I will continue in this article solving the first set of C tasks from CS50 , while listening to Savant's new album, Jester , which is by the way freaking awesome! So the task is to accept an integer and than draw two half-pyramids (rectangles if you wish so). Example: Input: 3 Output: # # ## ## ### ### We could ask all the same questions, as we done it in the previous task , so I will not bore you with that. I will jump into thinking about the solution! So, if we call the input as N, we can observe, that the output will be a matrix, and the height of the matrix now is N, and the width of the matrix this time is 2N+1, meaning, that in the last row we will draw twice the times the hashtags as the input number plus one tiny separator white space. Plan to solve the problem: Get an integer from the user Validate if the integer is bigger than zero. If not, then terminate. Else draw N-(current row number) spaces, N times the hashtags, a space, N times the ...